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Nursery Garden Centre
NZ Native | Description | SizeDescription |
ALECTRYON EXCELSUS "Titoki" | Outstanding N.Z. native forming a spreading tree with large light green, pinnate leaves. Shiny black seeds emerge from scarlet fruit during summer. Great bird tree. Ht 7m x W 6m | 2.5 litre |
ALECTRYON EXCELSUS "Titoki" | Outstanding N.Z. native forming a spreading tree with large light green, pinnate leaves. Shiny black seeds emerge from scarlet fruit during summer. Great bird tree. Ht 7m x W 6m | 40 pb |
ANEMANTHELE LESSONIANA | Gossamer grass. A graceful grass forming tufted clumps with narrow bright green leaves and arching stems of feathery plumes with a rosy hue. Will grow in moist or dry soils in light shade sun. Foliage is golden if grown in sun. | 1.3 litre |
APODASMIA SIMILIS | N.Z. native Oi Oi. Rather elegant with fine bluish green rush-like foliage with brownish bracts at the joints. Looks very attractive by water. Coastal marshland plant. Will grow in moist or dry conditions . Grows 1x1m | 2.5 litre |
ARTHROPODIUM MATAPOURI BAY | Native Renga renga lily. Perennial with wide, strap-shaped shiny bluish green leaves & showy white flowers. Compact grower. Protect from frost. Great under trees or lining driveways. Grows 50cm | 4.5 litre |
ARTHROPODIUM MATAPOURI BAY | Native Renga renga lily. Perennial with wide, strap-shaped shiny bluish green leaves & showy white flowers. Compact grower. Protect from frost. Great under trees or lining driveways. Grows 50cm | 1.3 litre |
ASPLENIUM bulbiferum MAORI PRINCESS | A stunning native fern that likes dappled light. Produces fantastic soft, lush-green fronds which make a great addition to any shaded area. Add organic matter to the soil for best results. Grows 80 cm x 80cm | 1.3 litre |
ASTELIA SILVER SPEAR | Forms lovely flax-like clump with attractive rigid silvery foliage and clusters of orange berries in the centre.Good effect in garden or tub plant.Very hardy 1m. | 4.5 litre |
CAREX SECTA | Pukio. Large vigorous, green sedge. Forms lifted tuffs in swamps. Prefers open sunlight and damp to wet soils. Wetland species. Grows 1m | 1.3 litre |
CAREX TENUICULMIS | NZ Native, taller growing grass in rich bronzy red colours. Clumping habit. Stands wet conditions. Grows 60-80cm tall | 1.3 litre |
CAREX TESTACEA | Colourful NZ native grass forming tufts of foliage. Likes sun or semi-shade. Excellent for rockery or as ground cover in mass planting. Very hardy. Grows 30x30cm | 1.3 litre |
CARMICHAELIA odorata LILAC BOUQUET | Native broom Attractive, sweetly scented lilac flowers in abundance early summer A bush with weeping soft green foliage. Hardy, Good tub plant. Grows 1.2m high | 1.3 litre |
CARPODETUS SERRATUS PUTAPUTAWETA | An attractive small tree with 'marbled' leaves. A profusion of white flowers late summer, purple/black berries in autumn. Likes sun or part shade. Frost and coastal tolerant. Evergreen. Great tree for a small garden. Ht 5m x 3m | 2.5 litre |
CARPODETUS SERRATUS PUTAPUTAWETA | An attractive small tree with 'marbled' leaves. A profusion of white flowers late summer, purple/black berries in autumn. Likes sun or part shade. Frost and coastal tolerant. Evergreen. Great tree for a small garden. Ht 5m x 3m | 4.5 litre |
CARPODETUS SERRATUS PROSTRATA ( PUTAPUTAWETA) | Low spreading shrub, small oval distinctively marbled, toothed leaves; branchlets zig-zag. Small white flowers Full sun. Grows 1m x 2 metre wide | 3.5 litre |
CHIONOCHLOA FLAVICANS | Native snow grass. Graceful lime-green flower plumes appear from November through to autumn. Compact garden-size clumps to 80cm. Easily grown,very hardy to wind, cold. | 4.5 litre |
CHIONOCHLOA FLAVICANS dwarf Toi-Toi | Native snow grass. Graceful lime-green flower plumes appear from November through to autumn. Compact garden-size clumps to 80cm. Easily grown,very hardy to wind, cold. | 1.3 litre |
CHIONOCHLOA RUBRA | Striking red tussock grass. Forms a large impressive clump. Looks great waving in the wind. Grows in wet, dry and poor soils. Very hardy. Grows 1.2m | 1.3 litre |
CLEMATIS PANICULATA (NZ CLEMATIS) | Clusters of fragrant star shaped white flowers cover this vigorous climber in Spring,followed by silken seed heads in Autumn. Plant in a cool shade area where it can reach for the sun. | 1.9 litre |
COPROSMA "TAIKO" | Native. Mound forming ground cover. Dark glossy green foliage. Creates a cascading effect down walls and banks. Evergreen. Vigorous and hardy. Easy to grow. Height 30cm x width 1m | 1.3 litre |
COPROSMA ACEROSA HAWERA | Evergreen groundcover . Olive-green, small and narrow foliage. Makes a tight mat close to the ground. Tolerant of wind and cold. Use over rocks, banks, walls, groundcover or container. Up to 2m spread | 1.3 litre |
COPROSMA BLACK CLOUD | Dark brown foliage colour deepening in the winter. Very hardy & versatile. Prefers full sun and well drained soil. Trim to keep neat. Ht 40cm x 1m | 2.5 litre |
COPROSMA FLAT FREDDY | Low, spreading groundcover - hardy to some foot traffic. Bronze brown foliage. Very hardy to cold and wind. Use over rocks, banks, walls, containers or where a hardy groundcover is needed. Grows 8cm high x 1m spread | 1.3 litre |
COPROSMA INFERNO | Stunning flaming foliage colours of brilliant pink and deep reds through the winter months and lime green & red through the summer. An excellent small shrub for any garden situation. Hardy. Grows 1.5 m x 1.5m | 2.5 litre |
COPROSMA KARO RED | Eye catching black- red foliage and hardy nature. Compact habit and striking colour make it an ideal plant for general garden, small hedge, group plantings or patio pots.Loves to be clipped. Grows 1m x 1m | 2.5 litre |
COPROSMA MIDDLEMORE | Coprosma repens type cultivar with quite an upright habit with small rounded glossy green leaves. Clips well into hedge, mounds, balls etc. Frost hardy. Height 1-2m | 1.3 litre |
COPROSMA POOR KNIGHTS | Featuring very glossy dark green foliage this amazing native grows as a fantastic low growing ground cover, Ideal for hillside gardens and growing over retaining walls. Evergreen. Full sun. grows 50cm x 1.5m
| 2.5 litre |
COPROSMA SUNRISE | Lime green and yellow foliage in Spring turning sunset orange in Autumn, rich burgundy during Winter. Plant in full sun with a good well drained soil. Responds well to trimming. Frost tender when young. Evergreen. 1 x 1m | 1.3 litre |
COPROSMA SUNSET | Striking evergreen, with vivid red foliage with burgundy/chocolate brown markings. . This versatile plant can also be used as a low hedging plant, Grows 1m | 1.3 litre |
CORDYLINE 'Green Goddess' | Attractive lush green foliaged evergreen shrub with tree-like form. Grows 3m x 1.5m. Exotic tropical look - has character, colour & shape. | 6 litre |
CORDYLINE AUSTRALIS | N.Z.Native Cabbage tree.with large heads of green arching foliage followed by sweetly scented creamy-white flowers in summer. Tolerent to extremes conditions .Good specimen. Grows 4m. | 1.3 litre |
CORDYLINE CHOCOMINT | This fantastic new Cordyline selection features chocolate brown and mint green variegated foliage, giving it a very striking apperance. Sword shaped leaves that grow rigidly from the stem which forms with age. Gows 2.5m | 1.3 litre |
CORDYLINE RED FOUNTAIN | A real stunner. Glossy, burgundy-red, foliage that cascades into a round ball shape. Large sprays of fragrant, small, star-shaped blush pink flowers in late Spring/Summer. Great pot or colour highlight in garden. Full sun to part shade. Clumps. 1m high | 3.3 litre |
COROKIA FROSTED CHOCOLATE | Bronze foliage changes to a rich brown in winter. Bushy hardy shrub suitable for hedging. Trims well, great for attracting native birds. Ht 2-3m | 4.5 litre |
COROKIA FROSTED CHOCOLATE | Bronze foliage changes to a rich brown in winter. Bushy hardy shrub suitable for hedging. Trims well, great for attracting native birds. Ht 2-3m | 1.3 litre |
COROKIA FROSTED CHOCOLATE - Standard | Bronze foliage changes to a rich brown in winter. Yellow flowers followed by little berries. Trim to keep a tight head. Hardy. Suitable for pot or garden. Evergreen | 10 litre |
COROKIA FROSTED CHOCOLATE - Standard | Bronze foliage changes to a rich brown in winter. Yellow flowers followed by little berries. Trim to keep a tight head. Hardy. Suitable for pot or garden. Evergreen | 4.5 litre |
COROKIA GEENTY'S GHOST | New. Shining silver/grey foliage with a compact habit. Great for the low maintenance gardener. Easy and reliable. Perfect for low hedging and topiary. Likes sun to part shade. Hardy. Grows 1.2 x 1m | 4.5 litre |
COROKIA GEENTYS GREEN | Silvery green foliage on a bushy upright shrub. Small star-like yellow flowers followed by berries.Trims well. Good hedging plant or garden filler. Very hardy. Grows 1.5 - 2m high | 1.3 litre |
COROKIA GEENTYS GREEN | Silvery green foliage on a bushy upright shrub. Small star-like yellow flowers followed by berries.Trims well. Good hedging plant or garden filler. Very hardy. Grows 1.5 - 2m high | 4.5 litre |
COROKIA GEENTYS GREEN | Silvery green foliage on a bushy upright shrub. Small star-like yellow flowers followed by berries.Trims well. Good hedging plant or garden filler. Very hardy. Grows 1.5 - 2m high | 4.5 litre |
COROKIA LITTLE PRINCE | Fascinating and intricate twiggy shrub. New growth is a light grey colour ageing to dark grey. Starry yellow flowers. Very hardy to wind. Needs good drainage. Excellent low hedge. Grows 1 x .60. | 1.3 litre |
COROKIA SILVER GHOST | Leaves are small and the foliage very dense making it very suitable for clipping. Ideal for formal hedging and topiary work. Easy to grow and care for. Yellow flowers & deep red berries. Cold hardy. Ht 1.5m | 4.5 litre |
COROKIA SILVER GHOST | Leaves are small and the foliage very dense making it very suitable for clipping. Ideal for formal hedging and topiary work. Easy to grow and care for. Yellow flowers & deep red berries. Cold hardy. Ht 1.5m | 1.3 litre |
DACRYCARPUS DACRYDIOIDES | "Kahikatea, White Pine" Tall growing tree, with pyramidal habit and dark green foliage. Birds attracted to berry like fruit. Very good in wet, swampy soil to average soil. Grows 10m plus. | 2.5 litre |
DACRYDIUM CUPRESSINUM "Rimu" | Most desirable NZ native. Graceful weeping foliage on an upright tree. Excellent specimen. Semi hardy ,prefering sheltered positition, sun or semi- shade. Grows 6 x 3m. | 6 litre |
ELAEOCARPUS HOOKERIANUS | Pokaka. Juvenile branches are twisted and tangled before a main stem emerges to form the rounded adult shape. Leaves are oblong, leathery and dark green with serrated edges. Tiny white flowes in summer, purple drupes later. Likes moisture. 6m | 2.5 litre |
FUSCOSPORA CLIFFORTIOIDES | N.Z. "Mountain Beech" Common forest canopy tree growing at high altitude. Small leathery leaves. Great specimen for large garden. Small red/pink inconspicuous flowers appear November-January. Fruits February to April. Grows 10 m plus. | 10 litre |
FUSCOSPORA MENZIESII (NZ Silver Beech) | Has an attractive black trunk with silver horizontal lines and often with a Zen-like interesting structure. Foliage gives a silvery shimmering look especially in spring. An impressive and hardy native tree. Grows 5 m+ | 2.5 litre |
FUSCOSPORA MENZIESII Silver Beech | Has an attractive black trunk with silver horizontal lines and often with a Zen-like interesting structure. Foliage gives a silvery shimmering look especially in spring. An impressive and hardy native tree. Grows 5 m+ | 90 pb |
GRISELINIA ALPINE FORM | Small glossy green foliage with undulating edges looks good all year round. Nice compact habit and high tolerance to just about any conditions including coastal. Fast growing - evergreen. Ht 1.5 -2m x 1m
| 2.5 litre |
GRISELINIA LITTORALIS BROADWAY MINT | Kapuka, One of our natives that always gives a pure lush green look Very hardy, easy to grow from mountain tops to sea coast. Grows reasonably fast in any reasonable, free-draining soil. Happy in full sun to full shade. Grows 3 X 2m | 1.3 litre |
GRISELINIA LITTORALIS BROADWAY MINT | Kapuka, One of our natives that always gives a pure lush green look Very hardy, easy to grow from mountain tops to sea coast. Grows reasonably fast in any reasonable, free-draining soil. Happy in full sun to full shade. Grows 3 X 2m | 2.5 litre |
GRISELINIA LITTORALIS CANTERBURY | A selected form of our N.Z. Broadleaf. Smaller leaf than littoralis with attractive red stems (darker in winter) Grows in any soil type tolerates coastal conds. & heavy frosts.Very versatile. One of the top hedging varieties. Evergreen. 3 x 2m | 1.3 litre |
HEBE ALBICANS | Low growing multi-branched silvery foliage with flowers pink in bud opening white in mid summer. Likes full sun, grows 60x75cm. Very hardy. | 4.5 litre |
HEBE BEVERLEY HILLS | A neat compact bushy shrub covered in bright violet blue flowers in spring. Makes a great low growing hedge that can be kept trimmed after flowering. Grows 1m x 1m | 1.3 litre |
HEBE CHAMPION | A small compact plant made up of small round cupped glossy deep olive green leaves on the upper surface and deep maroon underneath. The leaves turn purple in winter. Violet flowers, fading white appear in late spring to summer. Grows 40 cm x 40cm | 1.3 litre |
HEBE CHARLOTTE | Bred in the Waikato as part of the Regal series of Hebe. Glossy green foliage topped with pretty pink flowers through the summer months. A hardy NZ native plant. Trim after flowering. Prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade. H 75cm x W 75cm | 2.5 litre |
HEBE DIOSMAFOLIA | Compact evergreen bush with clusters of pale lavender flowers all spring. Stands wind and dry conditions Trim after flowering. Likes sun. Hardy. Grows 60cm x 60cm | 4.5 litre |
HEBE FIRST LIGHT | Handsome foliaged, spreading compact shrub.Foliage flushed bronze particularly in winter.Has lovely flush pink flowers. Very hardy, 30cm high x 90cm spread | 4.5 litre |
HEBE ICING SUGAR | The leaves are mid-green, spear-shaped, red-edged, 5 cm long. The flowers are pink, fading to white. Summer flowering. Forms a compact evergreen shrub. Ht 70cm x 70cm | 1.3 litre |
HEBE LAVENDER LASS | An upright, branched, evergreen bush growing to 1-1.5 m high. The narrow, spear-shaped, green leaves are about 2.5 cm long. The lacy lavender flowers fade to white; summer and autumn. Makes an interesting small hedge. A great native plant. Hardy. | 4.5 litre |
HEBE SPECIOSA 'DOBBIES DELIGHT' | Speciosa selection with large rich magneta flower spikes in spring and autumn with dark foliage. Hardy variety. Cut back after flowering, Likes full sun or part shade. Height to 1m. | 1.3 litre |
HEBE TOPIARIA | Neat-growing NZ native always maintains its tidy rounded shape. Hardy evergreen to 70cm each way. An excellent small shrub, will stand exposed sites. | 1.3 litre |
HEBE WAIREKA | Attractive variegated foliage with violet flowers in summer and autumn. Trim after flowering to keep compact. Hardy evergreen, Likes full sun or part shade. Great plant to lighten a spot. Grows 60cm x 60cm | 3.3 litre |
HEBE WIRI "SANDRA JOY" | Strong growing shrub with deep wine red bud spikes opening to long purple flowers summer to winter. Grows in a well drained soil sun/shade. 1.2m | 1.3 litre |
HEBE WIRI "SANDRA JOY" | Strong growing shrub with deep wine red bud spikes opening to long purple flowers summer to winter. Grows in a well drained soil sun/shade. 1.2m | 4.5 litre |
HEBE WIRI DESIRE | Masses of deep rose pink flowers on bronze flushed foliage that will mature to a mat green. Likes open sunny areas. Prune after flowering. 1x1m | 4.5 litre |
HEBE WIRI MIST | Hardy groundcover shrub with grey-green foliage covered in small white flowers in late spring. position, sun or shade. 60cm x 90cm | 1.3 litre |
KNIGHTIA | Handsome stately NZ specimen Slender erect tapering tree. Superior form and foliage. No trimming needed. Brilliant display of red flowers. Attract birds. Evergreen 7 x 2m | 4.5 litre |
LAURELIA NOVAE-ZEALANDIAE | Pukatea. A very handsome N.Z. native tree found in swampy forests and gullies. Deep glossy green, leathery oval leaves. A slow growing tree that will reach 6-10 m in the garden. | 2.5 litre |
LEPTOSPERMUM BLOSSOM QUEEN | Compact variety with attractive burgundy foliage and dark red autumn flowers Ideal as a small specimen plant. Full sun for max flowering, Prune after flowering. Hardy. Evergreen Ht 2m x W 1.2m | 2.5 litre |
LEPTOSPERMUM CORAL CANDY | Very hardy compact upright bush. Exquisite double flowers striped red and candy-pink in late winter and spring. Attractive foliage. .Likes sunny position. Grows in most soil types. Ht 2.5m x 1m | 2.5 litre |
LEPTOSPERMUM WIRI KERRY | Smaller growing manuka with double red flowers and dark red foliage. Flowers in mid winter through spring. Easy to grow. Trim after flowering. Ht 80cm | 2.5 litre |
MACROPIPER E. PSITTACORUM | A subspecies of kawakawa from our northern offshore islands. Large lush and thick round leaves. Tiny tightly packed orange flowers are carried on upright spikes. An excellent choice for shady areas. Frost tender. Forms a dense shrub to 2m | 3.3 litre |
MACROPIPER EXCELSUM Kawa-Kawa | Dark green to yellow green aromatic foliage, has minute flowers forming yellow to orange berries. Prefers shady moist position. 4m x 2.5m | 1.5 litre |
MELICOPE TERNATA Wharangi | NZ native with bright glossy new foliage, paler with age. Sun\Shade but protect from wind. Tolerant of lightto medium frosts. Evergreen 4x3m | 2.5 litre |
MELICOPE TERNATA Wharangi | NZ native with bright glossy new foliage, paler with age. Sun\Shade but protect from wind. Tolerant of lightto medium frosts. Evergreen 4x3m | 4.5 litre |
MERYTA SINCLAIRII (New Zealand Puka) | Multi-branched small round-headed tree with massive glossy green leaves. Valued for large bold dramatic, or tropical effects in landscaping, patios, lawn specimens, containers etc. Protect from strong winds and frost. Grows 4 x 3m | 10 litre |
METROSIDEROS E. SCARLET PIMPERNEL | N.Z. Pohutukawa. Prolific displays of brilliant scarlet flowers for long periods, early summer. Evergreen, glossy green foliage. Compact habit. Small tree to 5m | 4.5 litre |
METROSIDEROS EXCELSA MAORI PRINCESS | One of the best Pohutukawas for a specimen tree. A neat, relatively upright habit. Flowers reliably each year with striking red flowers. Excellent coastal tree. Frost tender when young. Plant in full sun. 5-8m x 3m. | 2.5 litre |
METROSIDEROS EXCELSA UPPER HUT | An attractive variegated Pohutukawa with fleckeld creamy--gold centre and green edge. Compact growing with dense bushy habit. Hardier than M.Excelsa. Protect from frost when young, otherwise very hardy. Grows 4m | 4.5 litre |
METROSIDEROS KERMADECENSIS VARIEGATA | Grown mostly for its attractive green and gold foliage year round. Red flowers in summer if given plenty of sunlight. Very hardy to wind and drought, poor soils and neglect. Great hedge, screen or large tub plant. Grows approx 3m. | 4.5 litre |
METROSIDEROS MAUNGAPEKO | Pohutukawa x Southern Rata. Very attractive evergreen tree. Scarlet red flowers in summer. Flowers from young age. Hardy to -5 deg. Grow approx 5m | 4.5 litre |
METROSIDEROS MISTRAL | NZ Rata x Pohutukawa.Summer flowering evergreen tree. Vibrant red flowers in December give a wonderful show. Hardy to wind and salt spray. Protect from frost when young. Grows approx 6m high | 50 litre |
METROSIDEROS ROBUSTA | Northern Rata. Rich green small leaves. Brilliant red flowers are borne in profusion making a great show. Great tree for nectar loving native birds. Good container or speciman tree. Reasonably frost tolerant. Grows up to 15m high. | 4.5 litre |
MUEHLENBECKIA ASTONII | Distinctive, dense, upright New Zealand shrub. Bright green leaves with dark reddish brown wiry stems and miniature cluster of flowers.Interesting contrast plant. Attractive informal hedge. Very hardy to wind and dry soils. Ht 2m x W 1.5 m | 1.3 litre |
MUEHLENBECKIA AXILLARIS | Prostrate shrub with dark glossy green foliage paler on underside.Yellow-green flowers through summer. Vigorous growing. Likes the dry. Good groundcover for harsh sites, forming a tight low-lying mat. Grows 30cm high x 1m wide | 2.5 litre |
MYOSOTIDIUM HORTENSIA Blue | "Chatham Island Forget-Me-Not. One of N.Z.'s most beautiful flowering and foliage plant. Large glossy foliage Stunning waxy blue forget-me-not flower heads appear in spring.. Needs rich but well-drained soil, summer-cool spot. 60cm high. | 4.5 litre |
MYRSINE AUSTRALIS (Matipou) | Small, compact tree found around NZ forest margins. Nice foliage plant with red stems. Quick growing. Can trim to any form or size. Grows 3x2m | 1.3 litre |
PARAHEBE SNOWCAP | A delightful, low growing small shrub native to NZ. Free flowering in summer/autumn with dainty snow white flowers. Plant in sun to part shade. Trim after flowering. Hardy. Evergreen. Grows 20 x 30cm | 1.3 litre |
PHORMIUM BLACK MAGIC | An attractive low growing black flax. Glossy narrow black foliage gives all year round interest. Great for pots or the garden. Easy and reliable. Best grown in full sun. Grows 0.3 x 0.3m | 2 litre |
PHORMIUM BLACK RAGE | Large growing flax, blue-black long leathery erect sword like leaves, arranged in fans. Tall stems up to 2 metres tall produce green tinged orange or yellow flowers in spring, loved by the tuis for their abundant nectar. Hardy. Ht 1.2m | 4.5 litre |
PHORMIUM COOKIANUM | N.Z Mountain Flax,.Glossey arching lush green leaves, up to 1.5m long, masses of yellow flowers which are great for attracting birds, pendulous seed-pods..Excellent shelter belt or planting in a large mass. Grows 1.5 metres | 1.3 litre |
PHORMIUM COOKIANUM 'EMERALD GEM' | N.Z. dwarf mountain flax, rich emerald green leaves with weeping habit. Very hardy & wind resistant. Not fussy as to soil. Ideal contrast plant. 60cm x 60cm | 1.3 litre |
PHORMIUM COOKIANUM 'YELLOW WAVE' | Graceful arching, yellow leaves banded light green. Retains colour well. Easily grown and tolerant of most soils. Grows approx 1m high | 3.3 litre |
PHORMIUM SURFER GREEN | An excellent compact dwarf flax. Olive green with wide bronze edge. Twisted upright leaves. Keeps good form and colour. Hardy to dry, damp, coastal, windy conditions. Grows 50 x 50cm | 1.3 litre |
PHORMIUM TENAX (NZ Swamp Flax) | Versatile plant of extreme vigour with rich green sword foliage.Tenax - strong and tough. Great for erosion control, shelter & reveg plantings. An important nectar source for birds. Grows 2 x 2m | 1.3 litre |
PHORMIUM WILDWOOD | Large growing flax with graceful dark purple foliage that arches at the tips. Hardy clumping plant. Ideal for coastal gardens, mass landscaping, around ponds or pools. Likes full sun to part shade. Flowers. 1.5m | 3.3 litre |
PITTOSPORUM CRASSIFOLIUM | Hardy & easily-grown small tree to 3-4m but easily pruned smaller. Extremely resistant to strong & salt-laden winds. specimen or hedge-plant. Evergreen. | 1.3 litre |
PITTOSPORUM EUGENIOIDES Lemonwood. | Dense bushy small native tree. Clusters of yellow flowers in spring with a lemon scent. Very fast growing. Excellent screening plant. Trims well. Semi hardy. Grows 3-4m x 2m | 1.3 litre |
PITTOSPORUM EUGENIOIDES PLATINUM | Neat compact pyramidal growth habit, bold leaves, light silvery green with silver-white margins. Semi-shade or full sun. Semi hardy . Grows 3x2m | 10 litre |
PITTOSPORUM EUGENIOIDES PLATINUM | Neat compact pyramidal growth habit, bold leaves, light silvery green with silver-white margins. Semi-shade or full sun. Semi hardy . Grows 3x2m | 2.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM EUGENIOIDES VARIEGATA | N.Z. native, beautiful variegated foliage of light green and creamy white. Bushy & tidy growing. Great screening/privacy tree. Evergreen. Ht 3 x 1.5m | 6 litre |
PITTOSPORUM GOLFBALL SILVER | Exciting new compact pittosporum. Eye-catching shiny variegated cream and jade foliage. An easy care, tidy shrub ideal for a low hedge or a feature container plant. Sun or semi-shade. Hardy. Evergreen. Trim to shape. Grows 40cm x 40cm. | 6 litre |
PITTOSPORUM IRENE PATTERSON | Compact contrasting shrub New foliage lovely creamy appearance Neat dense bush.Trims well to shape if required.Sun or semi-shade Hardy 1.5m | 2.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM STEPHENS ISLAND | With its lime to olive green leaves and its neutral colour and texture, it provides a fabulous background for many garden designs and styles. Its non-invasive root structure prefers free draining soil . Hardy Grows 3m x 1.5m | 2.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TANDARRA GOLD | Compact bushy shrub with very neat form. Green and gold variegated leaves, on black stems. Scented purple flowers in spring. A great screening, hedge or specimen plant. Grows 3-4m. | 2.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TANDARRA GOLD | Compact bushy shrub with very neat form. Green and gold variegated leaves, on black stems. Scented purple flowers in spring. A great screening, hedge or specimen plant. Grows 3-4m. | 4.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TE MATAI GREEN | Glossy lush green foliage. Naturally forms a round compact ball shape. Good container, border or small garden plant Likes sun or part shade. Grows approx 1 x 1m. Hardy | 10 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TEN. IVORY TOWER | An attractive evergreen shrub with an extremely compact pyramidal upright habit. Stunning green leaves margined with ivory edges. Ideal for specimen, hedge and looks great on the patio. Hardy. Height 2m | 2.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TEN. MIDGET | Fresh green, compact shrub. Makes an attractive low hedge or grow a row of Midget balls as a great solution for a narrow garden. Plant in full sun or part shade. Trim regularly to keep compact. Purple flowers Spring. 1 x 1m | 6 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TEN. MOUNTAIN GREEN | Very compact growing N.Z.Native small tree .Soft green foliage.Small purple scented flowers in Spring. Likes sun or shade. Trims well to shape.Good specimen.or superb hedge. Hardy Grows approx 2.5m high | 1.3 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TEN. SUMO | Compact rounded shrub. The leaves are small rounded and bright green. Very dark maroon, almost black flowers in spring. Great as a feature or undulating hedge. Hardy to most soil conditions, avoid wet ground. Grows. 1x1m | 4.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TENUIFOLIUM VARIEGATA | Native variegated. Kohuhu. Lovely cream and white variegated foliage. Rapid and easy to grow. Upright & dense habit. Screen or specimen. Evergreen. 3 x 1.5m | 10 litre |
PITTOSPORUM TENUIFOLIUM VARIEGATA | Native variegated. Kohuhu. Lovely cream and white variegated foliage. Rapid and easy to grow. Upright & dense habit. Screen or specimen. Evergreen. 3 x 1.5m | 2.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM WAI ITI | Clear jade green oval leaves contrasting with wine-red stems. Great as a feature or a hedge. Very dark maroon, almost black flowers in spring. Hardy to most soil conditions, avoid wet ground. Frost and wind hardy. Best to trim annually. 3mx2m | 4.5 litre |
PITTOSPORUM WAI ITI | Clear jade green oval leaves contrasting with wine-red stems. Great as a feature or a hedge. Very dark maroon, almost black flowers in spring. Hardy to most soil conditions, avoid wet ground. Frost and wind hardy. Best to trim annually. 3mx2m | 1.3 litre |
POMADERIS KUMERAHO | Golden Tainui. One of our best Native spring flowering shrubs covered in large rounded heads of golden-yellow flowers. Likes well drained soils, sun or semi shade. Hardy to wind, sensitive to frosts. Trim if required. Hardy. Height 2 x 1m | 1.3 litre |
PRATIA ANGULATA (Panakenake) | An excellent ground cover perennial. Masses of white starry flowers in spring, followed by purplish small berries in autumn. Excellent for containers, under planting etc. Sun or semi-shade. Hardy. Evergreen | 1.3 litre |
PRUMNOPITYS TAXIFOLIA - MATAI | Handsome NZ Native. Once out of its juvenile form it has ferny green foliage with a greyish tinge. Forms a round headed tree with beautiful textured bark. Native pigeons love the fruit. Evergreen. Height 5-10m x 5m | 1.3 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX BLACK RUBY | Excellent selected form with 3 or 5 lobed leaves, at first bronzy green turning rich black-red in winter. Attractive garden or tub plant. Easy to grow. 2 x 1m | 4.5 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX BLACK RUBY | Excellent selected form with 3 or 5 lobed leaves, at first bronzy green turning rich black-red in winter. Attractive garden or tub plant. Easy to grow. 2 x 1m | 10 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX CYRIL WATSON | Native five finger hybrid. Attractive rich green broad leaves, dense and bushy for screening. Hardy, Fast growing. Looks good in a tub too. Grows 2m x 1.5m | 4.5 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX FEROX - Toothed Lancewood | Dramatic sword like foliage distinctly lobed or toothed along the entire margin, pendent juvenile leaves. Adult habit tall with crown and shorter upright foliage. Slow growing.Grows H 3m x W 50cm | 1.3 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX GOLDSPLASH | Small bushy tree to 3m, with golden yellow leaves. Grows in any well drained soil. Frost tolerant. Trim out any green branches. Good for, birds, dry, foliage, hedge, native, pots, specimen, sun, wind. | 10 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX LAETUS | Attractive shrub with shiny large lush green foliage on purplish-red stems. Likes a rich soil but will tolerate dry or poor conditions. Grows 3-5m. | 12 pb |
PSEUDOPANAX LESSONII GOLD SPLASH | Dark green foliage marked with golden yellow. Great for foliage contrast. Likes good drainage.. Looks good in a tub too. Grows 2m | 4.5 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX LESSONII PURPUREA | Attractive foliaged shrub or small tree. Grows well in sun or shade. Can be trimmed to keep compact. Grows well in container. Hardy native. Grows 3 metres | 10 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX LESSONII PURPUREA | Attractive foliaged shrub or small tree. Grows well in sun or shade. Can be trimmed to keep compact. Grows well in container. Hardy native. Grows 3 metres | 4.5 litre |
PSEUDOPANAX RANGITIRA | Attractive foliaged small shrub.Grows well in sun or semi-shade. Can be trimmed if required.Grows well in containers.Hardy native 2m. | 4.5 litre |
PSEUDOWINTERA colorata RED LEOPARD | Pepper Tree/Horopito Leaves are goldy-green and heavily blotched with deep ruby red. Good colour year round. When crushed the leaves are aromatic and peppery to taste. Grow in sun for best foliage colour. Hardy. 80 x 80cm | 5 Litre |
PSEUDOWINTERA colorata RED LEOPARD | Pepper Tree/Horopito Leaves are goldy-green and heavily blotched with deep ruby red. Good colour year round. When crushed the leaves are aromatic and peppery to taste. Grow in sun for best foliage colour. Hardy. 80 x 80cm | 1.3 litre |
RHOPALOSTYLIS SAPIDA NIKAU PALM. | Elegant & graceful native palm. Upright 'shuttle cock' leaf appearance. The trunk is straight and smooth.Will grow in full sun or shade, in rich soil that doesn't dry out.Protect from strong winds.Slow to aproximatley 8m tall. | 1.3 litre |
RHOPALOSTYLIS SAPIDA NIKAU PALM. | Elegant & graceful native palm. Upright 'shuttle cock' leaf appearance. The trunk is straight and smooth.Will grow in full sun or shade, in rich soil that doesn't dry out.Protect from strong winds.Slow to aproximatley 8m tall. | 5 Litre |
RHOPALOSTYLIS SAPIDA NIKAU PALM. | Elegant & graceful native palm. Upright 'shuttle cock' leaf appearance. The trunk is straight and smooth.Will grow in full sun or shade, in rich soil that doesn't dry out.Protect from strong winds.Slow to aproximatley 8m tall. | 3.3 litre |
SENECIO GREYI | Spreading habit with soft greyish leaves and profuse displays of bright yellow daisy flowers in Summer. Grows well on the coast. 1.5 x 1.5m | 1.3 litre |
SOPHORA MICROPHYLLA | N.Z. Weeping Kowhai. Divaricating habit with interlacing branches, which disappear as the tree ages. Mass display of golden-yellow, tubular flowers in spring. Graceful spreading tree. Great for the birds. Evergreen. Ht5xW3m | 2.5 litre |
SOPHORA GODLEYI | From the Rangitikei region, this kowhai has long pendulous branches with grey-green foliage and prolific gold flowers, attracting tuis in the spring. Grows in damp (not boggy) or dry soils and is coastal hardy. Evergreen - 7m x 5m | 2.5 litre |
SOPHORA LITTLE BABY | An attractive dwarf form of NZ Kowhai. Compact growth branches having appealing twisted habit. Bright yellow flowers in spring. Suited to most soil conditions. Height 1m | 4.5 litre |
SOPHORA LITTLE BABY | An attractive dwarf form of NZ Kowhai. Compact growth branches having appealing twisted habit. Bright yellow flowers in spring. Suited to most soil conditions. Height 1m | 1.3 litre |
SOPHORA TETRAPTERA Golden Kowhai | Large golden yellow flowers in massed pendulous clusters. Very impressive specimen tree. Grows in most areas. A excellent tree for attracting Tui's and Bellbirds. Evergreen 4.5 x 3m. | 10 litre |
SOPHORA TETRAPTERA Golden Kowhai | Large golden yellow flowers in massed pendulous clusters. Very impressive specimen tree. Grows in most areas. A excellent tree for attracting Tui's and Bellbirds. Evergreen 4.5 x 3m. | 2.5 litre |
UNCINIA Uncinata RUAPEHU | Tufts of narrow arching reddish brown leaves, darkening with age. An outstanding accent plant for containers or mass planting. Very hardy to cold and coastal. Full sun or part shade. Grows 30-50cm | 1.3 litre |
VITEX LUCENS New Zealand Puriri | A beautiful large spreading evergreen tree. Has lovely tropical looking mid green foliage and covers itself in pinkish flowers almost year round which attract tui's and the fruits attract pigeons. Sun or part shade. Coastal. Grows 6 x 5m | 2.5 litre |
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